Importance of Presentation Skills Training in Workplace
As professionals, we spend a lot of our time in front of others – whether it’s a group of clients, prospects, or our colleagues. Giving presentations, either formal or informal, is an important part of our jobs and crucial to our success.
Unfortunately, many people don’t feel they’re “naturally” good communicators and shy away from presenting to others. They may mistakenly believe this is a skill you’re either born with or just don’t possess. Nothing could be farther from the truth. While some personalities may enjoy the spotlight more than others, everyone in the workplace can benefit from training in effective communication and presentation skills. Any number of professionals lose opportunities or self-select out of promotions because they believe they don’t have the skills to stand before others and speak. Investing in presentation skills not only hones skills for an organization’s obvious “stars” but gives everyone the chance to compete for more and better opportunities. That’s why it’s important for every organization to invest in presentation skills training—developing those who are comfortable expressing their ideas in public forums or before their peers builds confidence not only in the individuals but in the organizations they represent. For individuals, a great presentation or public speaking skills can lift careers and showcase talents that might have been otherwise overlooked.
Why Skill Training?
Best presentation skills training is vital to every aspect of professional life. Skills training can help individuals gain confidence not only in larger forums but in one-on-one interactions as well. Why does it matter so much? Several reasons:
Since professional interactions have become more competitive, good communication skills have risen in importance. If you’re promoting an idea, an organization, or a company, the employee who can express themselves succinctly, confidently, AND persuade others of their ideas, is an employee who is going to get noticed. The ability to communicate well both orally and in written formats is one that is prized across industries and professions.
While the fear of public speaking of any kind is quite common, surveys show this own skill is among the most prized in any organization. In fact, public speaking skill, presentation skill, and briefing skills can elevate individuals in any industry and often has little to do with the title. When an organization needs to stand before others in any capacity, its leaders HOPE that someone with the knowledge is also the person who is comfortable communicating that information to others, but it’s often not the case. Our own fears of being judged by others can often stand in the way of those in the best position to persuade and explain ideas to others.
What Are the Benefits?
Presentation skills training provides benefits to individual employees and to the organization as a whole. Having a workforce comfortable sharing ideas as well as speaking on behalf of a department or organization enhances efforts at having all sorts of targeted audiences really understand your organization’s value. In addition, presentation skill training:
- Helps Build Morale: When people are confident in their communication abilities, it shows. The ability to present yourself well is a fundamental skill for any employee, but particularly anyone in a leadership position, influencing others. The lack of communication skills in a leader can be particularly demoralizing to those who are attempting to follow that leader and perform as expected. A company with employees who can convey its messages powerfully, concisely, and persuasively is a successful company. That builds morale in those tapped with speaking for the company or those who think that skill is valued and invested in. It’s also essential for those organizations needing to build and maintain a successful network with other industry professionals.
- Improvement in Retention: Investing in communication skills for your workforce is really an investment in yourself. When employees see they have opportunities to grow and use their skills, they’re more likely to feel valued and seen. Powerful presentation skills fill individuals with confidence that they can speak well for themselves, their teams, or their organizations before any target audience. Further, these communication skills will increase the chances of success for individuals in areas outside their immediate duties. Being a great communicator gets one noticed. That means an individual employee invested in will be able to see that investment blossom into other opportunities. Not only does an investment in communication skills help you retain top talent, but it also increases an organization’s ROI since this is one skill widely prized across the spectrum of professional employees.
The benefits of skills training quickly become apparent when organizations who invest in these skill sets then tap employees in a wide variety of public speaking opportunities to communicate an organization’s messages and mission. When employees feel valued and invested, they’re far more likely to want to stay with the company responsible for their new skills. - Professionalism: Surveys tell us that companies and organizations value good communication skills above almost any other. When you’re a better communicator, you simply are of great value to any organization, and your voice carries more weight. Every company benefits from employees who can communicate well, and particularly from those who are willing to communicate the company’s message because of that confidence.
Communication is not just the key to individual success but also an organization’s greatest asset; its people. The professionalism that can be seen, heard, and acknowledged are qualities of high value to every organization. - Increased Communication: Communication between team members and between teams takes excellent individual communication skills. Training helps those dealing with any kind of public speaking role, from formal to informal, take on a leadership mantle. Giving your workforce the tools to heighten their skills benefits them, their teams, and the entire organization.
- Better Time Management: The art of communication is a delicate balance between time and message. If you can present your ideas succinctly, powerfully, and clearly, it leaves more time for the interaction so necessary to persuade others of your ideas. We all know the smartest people in the room are not always able to communicate their ideas effectively or persuade others. That’s why these skills matter to every level of the workforce. Time management is just one reason to invest in presentation and briefing skill development so that no one in your organization is wasting time repeating and re-iterating messages that didn’t land correctly.
Final Point
Possessing exceptional presentation skills and public speaking skills is a necessary aspect of ensuring you remain at the top of organizational decision-making. Presentation skills training by The Pincus Group lets you tap into everyone’s abilities to communicate and enhance those strengths so that they can be shared and appreciated by all.